Thursday, 27 December 2012


I woke up to my alarm, remembered my morning medication, got on the bus and made it in to work on time. Wahey! This going to work business is a breeze!
I had expected I was going to be tired but nothing prepared me for how tired I actually was. When lunch time rolled around I wanted to curl up in a ball. Instead I went to the IGA across the road and bought corn chips and fruit chews for the office. When I'm tired I snack.
The other thing I've found out happens when I'm tired is my nystagmus kicks it up a notch.
Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyes. I noticed that this started happening after my lithium was increased and indeed it is one of the known side effects of taking lithium. It would only happen every few hours and as it's only a quick flickering of the eyes it didn't bother me too much.
Tired and staring at a computer screen for hours and it started happening every few minutes, sometimes more frequently. This was particularly frustrating when I was trying to focus on things like numbers or dates or seating charts or little old lady handwriting or any of the other squillion things that I have to look at in my job.
There wasn't much I could do. In fact I don't think there is much I can do. I'm not going to compromise my mental health by stopping taking the lithium. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to blurry vision and do the best I can around it.
I'm in bed now, eyes darting wildly every minute or so and keen to get off to sleep. I have another big day of work tomorrow and a visit from my lovely but tireless nephews tomorrow evening.
Good night.

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