Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Peering through the mist of my memories

This is just a quick post, just a check in, to say that things are ok.

I don't feel much like writing at the moment, all I really feel like doing is being quiet and remembering things. It's both sad and wonderful that all of the memories I have now seem brand new.

I found photos today from my US trip. I was able to remember details relating to most of them but I still don't remember where I stayed in New York City. Each day little flakes of memory come drifting back to me so perhaps that too will come. I am also trying to accept that some things will be lost forever and finding a way to be ok with that.

My mood is stable at a fairly positive place, although I am prone to start crying at the slightest provocation. I watched an episode of The Voice the other night and was choked up from pretty much start to finish. Still, it's good to have my full emotional range back. Hopefully I'll begin to harness it better in the days to come.

Like I said, I don't feel much like writing so apologies for the dull post. Hopefully I'll have more vigour and my logolepsy will have returned by next post.

West Taghkanic, New York

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your memories are returning and was glad to see another entry!
