Regular readers of my irregular blog post might have picked
up that I like blog post titles that have layered meanings. This one I’m
particularly proud of as it could refer to the fact that my blog has
essentially ceased to be due to neglect. Or it could be that I don’t feel so
much like Ups and Downs Katie these days. The past eight (?) nine (?) months have
seen me on a fairly even keel. I’m still prone to maudlin outbursts and the
occasional full scale tantrum. I cried while listening to a Taylor Swift song
very recently too but I’m beginning to suspect that these things might actually be the
guts of my personality and no amount of lithium or mild, medically supervised
head trauma is going to get rid of them. Mores the pity.
And the third, and my most favourite, meaning is that I have
literally gone away. I am typing this from Shanghai Pudong airport where I’m
waiting for my flight to Paris.
I was in hospital last week for some maintenance TMS and a
good once over to make sure I was right to travel and one of the nurses
suggested I chronicle my journey, both as a means of recording my tales for
posterity but also so that perhaps if my mood does start to veer off we might
have some clues to what preceded it and how things could perhaps be remedied e.g.
“April 27th Paris, stayed out until 5am drinking and smoking heroin
with some skinheads who also happened to be experts at negging and believed mental illness was just people showing off to get attention. Just realized I
haven’t eaten in 3 days. Not feeling crash hot today.” Remedy for that would be
bed rest and confiscation of funds once leafy green vegetables and restorative
broths have been purchased.
I was going to just write in my actual travel journal but to
be honest these days I’m really slack at finishing writing anything I start writing by
hand. I’ll be in the middle of artful prose and then lose interest and the rest
of the page is given over to doodles of cats (they’re the only thing I can
draw), shopping lists and attempts to rewrite the lyrics to catchy pop songs so
that they’re not so laden with internalized misogyny and I can sing my own
version to myself (once I crack Bang Bang by Jessie J I will post the new
lyrics for you to see.)
OK, so if I’m going to be candid about how I’m traveling I
should start now. I’m feeling pretty crap.
I left Melbourne with what felt like the fixings of a cold
brewing and while it hasn’t come to fruition my overall wellness has not been
improved by 10 hours in a tin box. I am well past the stage of believing there
is anything luxurious about air travel but this flight from Melbourne to
Shanghai was bad. There was the usual crap food, crap seats ordeal but I was
also unfortunately surrounded by people who in no way felt the need to be shy
about their body functions. I had a woman actually coughing on me from one side
so I scrunched myself to the other edge of my seat. I had a centre aisle seat
but on the aisle across from me there was a man who snorted and hocked up god
knows what, he must have gotten to vital organs by the end of the flight, at
regular intervals and then spat it into either the airsick bag or after the
meal had been served, a clear plastic cup. Mmm…
So I spent much of the flight reviling and shuddering and
trying to block out the noise of coughing and spluttering on one side and
hocking and spitting on the other. It made for a pretty tense flight and I had
already been pretty tense when I boarded. On top of the usual pre-travel
anxieties I got stuck literally but fortunately not figuratively in the middle
of an argument in Customs. The lines were immense and a number of people were
muttering about whether they’d miss their flight. Then a group of young people
from the back of the line pushed their way forward, unclipping the retractable
barriers as they snaked their way to the front. They went past me but I assumed
that one of the customs officials must have told them to do this but when they
cut in front of a couple who had been craning their necks and anxiously
checking the time the guy stopped them and asked what they were doing. They
said they thought they were going to miss their flight and he replied, quite
rightly, that many people in line were in the same situation. They kept moving
forward and the guy called out to the people in front, ‘Oy, stop them, they’re
queue jumpers!’ Now what I haven’t mentioned is that this group of young people
were almost certainly all Muslim, four of the young women were wearing
headscarves. As soon as people heard ‘queue jumping’ and saw Muslims it was an
open invitation it seemed for the more racist amongst the horde to start
calling out such helpful things as ‘Go back to where you came from’ and ‘You
should all be deported’ and the ever so helpful in a secure airport area,
The staff responded pretty quickly to restore order but
there was a moment in there of absolute dread that my holiday was going to be
over before it started due to a race riot or suspected terror plot based on the
inappropriate outburst of a yobbo.
So, I’m in Paris now. By the time I was due to board my
flight in Shanghai I was so exhausted that things weren’t making sense. I asked
a flight attendant a question and then I thought she was laughing at me. She
wasn’t. She was a cardboard cut-out. I left my passport, medications and laptop
in the box at the security clearance and when I finally made it on to the flight
I forgot that you’re not supposed to clap when the flight attendants finish
their safety demonstration. Even if they are really good. Just don’t do it,
they treat you really weird all flight.
But all that is done. I scored a new PB of 8.5 hours of
sleep on an airplane and arrived in Paris, well still fairly rooted but perhaps
not the danger to myself that I was at Pudong Airport.
I read that the best things to do to kick your body into a
new time zone are to move your body heaps during the day and get as much
morning sun as possible. So I walked the streets of Paris from 8am – 6pm. I
walked from Gare du Nord to Marche Saint-Quentin for some pastries and coffee
and to ogle the cheese, past Gare de l’Est, past the Metiers Art Museum and le
Centre Pompidou to the Viaduc des Arts and the Promenade Plantée and Marche
Place d’Aligre and back along the Promenade Plantée past Monument a la
Republique (I forgot to put this on the map, but I also then got very lost
looking for the Picasso Museum which was only going to be open for 1 hour by
the time I found it so I didn’t go in) and then along Canal Saint Martin to
this hipster haven bar/second hand trader/ DJ venue/ museum of African culture
called Le Comptoir General. Then I was going to walk all the way back to the
hostel but I couldn’t work out which way to go so I caught the Metro and it
turned out I was only two stops away.
Usually I think I have a fairly good sense of direction.
Today, I was useless. I would look at a map and get a simple route clear in my
head like turn left then take the third right but after fifteen minutes I would
look at the map and I’d realize I’d walked in entirely the wrong direction.
Even with the map in front of me and a sign posted intersection in front of me
I’d take the wrong turns. So I hadn’t really intended to walk to any of those
places but that’s where today’s wandering led. And no wonder my feet are sore
if I walked, I’d say at least 13 kilometers!
I had un délicieux croissant au
beurre et une centaine de grammes de fromage. And then I kept seeing windows
with more pastries and chocolates and meringues and other things that I don’t
even know the name of but they looked sweet and potentially creamy. And I
walked past pizza places and pommes frites and I didn’t feel like them either.
So in the end for lunch I had some fresh baby radishes, cheese, baguette and
ham and some strawberries. I had a snack of yoghurt in the afternoon. And for
dinner I ate the rest of my radishes with a green salad and tuna.
Doctors tell me occasionally
(only occasionally – it would probably be more often if they thought I’d
listen) that I should eat less fried chicken and more vegetables and get more
exercise. I think I’ve found the answer Doc! Just write me up a prescription
for living in Paris.
Having said that tomorrow is a
new day. And while I fully intend for there to be lots of walking and maybe
even a bike ride there will probably also be some new pastry I will immediately
need to eat four more of. And cheese. There will always be cheese in my life.
Now I’m nestled into my dorm
room bunk bed. My roommates seem nice. I’m adding the words ‘like’ and ‘totally’
into more sentences in the hopes that they won’t realize I’m a million years
older than them. I may still earn their disdain with a remarkable effort of
snoring throughout the night.
I’ll try to post again soon and
often after that, although knowing me that could mean it will go either way.
And I will add some photos once I can find the cord that connects my camera to
my laptop (I have taken some Mum!)
And new candid statement on how I'm feeling: tired but good.
![]() |
Jetlagged but happy |
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