Saturday 16 November 2013

Time to move on

Well sometimes it gets to that time.

Right? Sometimes you just have to move on.

The anniversary of my disappearance passed with little fanfare and part of me was like 'what? World, how can you move on without paying notice' and then another part of me chimed in to point out that if the world is no longer preoccupied with how sick I am or have been then this is a good thing.

The other moving on I'll be doing is out of my current house. I've secured a 4 month sublet in an absolutely stunning house in North Fitzroy which will give me enough time to enjoy the summer before I move in with my brother and his son early next year.

In all I'm feeling very positive about life right now. I even had a moment when I questioned whether I'd tipped into hypermania because I didn't want to go to my psychiatrist's appointment but wanted to go out drinking instead. I think it was just a case of bundled up happy feelings getting confused in with the usual feelings I have of not wanting to be sick and therefore having to attend appointments.

But the positive feelings continue and I appreciate them while they exist. I'm even feeling so good that I can contemplate hosting a BBQ for my upcoming 32nd birthday. I know it's not a significant birthday but I'd like to celebrate it as it marks the passing of what can unequivocally be deemed the worst year of my life to date.

So I have a function to plan and bags to pack so please forgive me if I go a bit silent for a while. There are only good things in the pipeworks as far as I can see.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


Cropping up in my life are a number of milestones which if I'm not celebrating I'm at least pondering over the most appropriate way to mark their passing. This week saw the 10,000 page view of my blog, this is also the week of the one year anniversary of my disappearance and fast approaching is my 32nd birthday.

I'm humbled and slightly bewildered to think there have been so many hits on this here blog. Of course I fastly believe that some of them are strange misdirects from porn sites, but I do also know I have a core of readers who I'm ever so glad keep tuning in.
I never would have started this blog if I hadn't gotten so sick and had such a public misfortune to which I felt I needed a public right of reply. As much as I like this blog, and I do, a lot, in the world of checks and balances having this blog doesn't even out against having gotten so terribly sick.

The one year anniversary of my very public demise. There's hardly an etiquette book on how to mark such an event. There is some eerie part of me that half expects I'll again go off the rails at this exact same time of year. Undoubtedly I'll just turn up to work same as usual and the day will pass as normal while my internal voice will be screaming 'Don't you know what happened to me just one year ago! How can you go on with your day?!' I've entertained the idea of taking myself out for dinner to celebrate having survived this last year because lord knows it's been an uphill battle most of the time.

I feel a bit the same about my birthday. 32 should really be one I celebrate since 31 has been such a bust and I genuinely felt at times I really wouldn't make it. I think I might have a quiet picnic or BBQ in a park since the weather will be getting warmer. I can invite just a select few friends and be surrounded by people who also understand how miraculous it is that I made it,

\With milestones comes reflection. I think when I look back on these last 12 months more than anything I reflect on how lonely they've been. Illness is hard. You experience it on your own regardless of how many people you have surrounding you. I think for the next 12 months I'm going to really focus on rebuilding my connections with other people and hopefully that loneliness will start to seep away. Despite ominous feelings of the past repeating itself I am feeling quite good and quite strong at the moment. I'm hoping this is the feeling I will take with me into the next 12 months and it will hopefully blossom into that state we call wellness. In the meantime I'm still taking things day by day and just marking the days worth mention.