Friday 10 January 2014

Insomniac posting

Insomniac posting. Cannot decide yet if it's a matter of can't sleep or won't sleep. I'll pay for this tomorrow but that sounds like future Katie's problem.

So, welcome to 2014! How's it treating you so far?

I did so hope that the new year would bring with it, like a bolt from the blue, an end to all my woes and worries. Alas, not to be. This current hiccup I'm experiencing feels a little different. My thoughts are racing, I'm irritable as all get up and I can't sleep. Sounds like hypomania, right? But where's my fucking high man?! No this is some mixed states bullshit and worst of all is I'm so fucking aware of it happening that my thoughts about it and how wretched it is are just amplified.

(Sorry, just realised I've been cussing like a sailor. I'll clean it up for the next bit.)

Ok, apart from this, things have actually been going pretty well. I've been socialising and enjoying time alone and work has been improving plus there are new job prospects on the horizon. I've read a few good books already this year and signed up to take yoga classes at my local gym. So some things are looking positive. Now to just get the whole racing-head-not-sleeping thing under control. I suppose step 1 would be turn off the computer.



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