Friday 14 February 2014


This is a very hurried post because it's Friday morning and I should be getting ready for work.
My life has felt quite hurried and full these last few weeks as I've tried to juggle deadlines, socialising, family commitments and care for myself.
So, what's been going on you ask?
Well, firstly I've been madly applying for jobs and university courses. Jobs because I need to leave my current job and university courses because I made a last minute decision that the best thing I could do to nourish my recovering brain is stimulate it with study. I've had to run around town tracking down copies of transcripts from all my previous educational institutions but finally everything has been found, copied, certified and submitted.
I've gone out a fair few times these past weeks but then this week I've also indulged in some theatrical immersion seeing three play readings and one full scale production. I've also this week bought tickets for some interstate productions of Macbeth so I've got at least two mini-holidays in the pipelines this year.
This week has also been a big week due to the very exciting arrival of my brand new baby niece. I was on hand to wrangle the two older children so I got to see the precious thing when she was only minutes old. Such a blessing and such a happy time for our family.
Finally I've been trying to spare a few moments here and there to make sure I'm caring for myself properly. This means going to yoga, resting, eating nourishing food and just trying to find some still moments to check in with myself to see how I'm really going. This has been particularly important since I've had to change my medication regime. I have developed a facial tic which can be an indication that the medication has caused a condition called tardive dyskinesia. This is characterised by pronounced, permanent tics or bodily movements. In the hopes that my tic will go away I'm being weaned off Saphris, the antipsychotic I have been taking. So it's just a matter of seeing how I go without it and then coming up with a strategy if everything is not ok. So far I'm feeling fine, in fact I'm feeling rather positive about the future at present.
And now I really must dash as work beckons and I must go. I'll update you soon on any advancements on the job/study front.

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